Who runs AACT? We have a Council made up of two self-advocate representatives from each region. Each region decides how it picks its representatives. At least six representatives and three regions must be at a meeting for decisions to be made. Anyone can come to Council meetings and speak, but only the representatives can vote.
AACT may have committees work on activities like communication and workshops. Sometimes members volunteer to work on an action together. We also use our meetings to take action.
Each meeting has two co-chairs from different regions. The co-chairs run the meeting.
We also write letters about issues that are important to us. Transportation is one of those issues. We sent letters to the Alberta Minister of Transportation to say how cuts to bus service in Alberta affect people who do not drive or have a car. This affects people with disabilities, seniors and other people who are poor. We sometimes make videos about issues. See our AISH page for a video we made about the cost of meds on AISH.
· We all share ownership, power and leadership of AACT as equals.
· Be someone who brings people together rather than creating division.
· Accept people as they are and see the good in them.
· Everyone has strengths and it is our job to find out what they are.
· Help others take part in discussions and activities so that everyone is included.
· Be curious and open to different ways of seeing things.
· Share your ideas and say what you think.
· Ask questions if you do not understand, like “Can you say that a different way?”
· Ask for help if you need it. This includes issues with technology.
· Check in with others so they get the emotional support they need from the group.
· Be kind. Wish the best for others, then help them be successful.
· Share the load so work does not always fall on one person.
· Do what you say you will do. Ask for help if you have too many tasks or get overwhelmed.
· Keep private things private. (If it is not in the minutes, it is private. If you use an AI notetaker, do not share those notes with anyone else.)
· Stick to the topic so we can get things done.
· Mute yourself if there are noises or other people around you, so everyone can hear.
· If someone cannot live up to the rules, their
region can make the decision about replacing them.
Ohhhh my goodness so glad I was referred to this website by a friend !!! I'm usually on top f things and this is a bonus I'll be sharing this with others I know that have a Disability and are being disregarded by Aish and thier Generalists, as to what they are entitled to .