
Be Proud

Be proud to be a person with a disability.
Sometimes it is hard to be proud. It is hard when people put you down. It is hard when people focus on what you can not do now, rather than how to make it easier for you.

You have much to be proud of.
  • Be proud each time you speak out for what is right.
  • Be proud each time you help someone else.
  • Be proud when you are patient with others.
  • Be proud when you do something that is hard for you.
  • Be proud when you try something new.
  • Be proud of who you are as a whole person.
Make the world a better place and be proud. Click here to see what people with disabilities have done.

More Links

How Disability Pride Works (Kids as Self-Advocates, USA)
Disability Pride and Awareness Committee (Inclusion Network, Ontario)
Disability Pride Parade (New Jersey, USA)
Lego Wall of Solidarity for Disability Pride (Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People, England)
Disability Pride Festival (Silicon Valley, California, USA)
Digitising Disability (Disability culture facebook group, UK)

What other websites have how people with disabilities show their pride?

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